Vanishing Point is a collection of work that explores the enigmatic space between life and death, unified by the powerful, invisible force of energy. This series exemines the profound depths and subtle nuances of this existential boundary: beginning-end, growth-decay, together-apart, existance-cessation, action-stillness, light-dark.

Millman’s solo show was held in 2021 in the Crypt Gallery, London. It comprised a collection of work produced over a period of a year after the artist has lost her father. The process of making, mending, rebuilding was a subconscious effort for healing and finding closure. Further, this project led to the Grief Letter and continued advocacy for resilient healing and post traumatic growth and opened up realms of spirituality.

This exhibition was supported by Arts for Dementia and brought together paintings, photographs, sculpture, video and installations to shine light on the vunerable and elderly embraced by dementia.


Digging for my soul, Video, 2023